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Help the Environment and Recycle Your Cans and Bottles

August 3, 2021

The biggest reason you need to start bottle recycling is that it helps the Adelaide environment. Recycling reduces pollution , conserves resources, and makes the environment better in a lot of ways.

Now that you know the benefits of recycling your bottles and cans, you must know ways to recycle them. After all, recycling only helps the environment when it’s done well. Here are some tips that can help you with recycling:


Recycle On-The-Go

Recycling doesn’t have to be limited to your house; you can recycle everywhere you go. For example, keep a recycling bin or basket where you dump paper, cans, and bottles- everything you recycle at your office. It will help you remember to recycle and will also encourage your co-workers to recycle. 

In your car, you can keep a recycling basket or net in the back or passenger’s seat-  for dumping every plastic bottle or can you use. Who says recycling has to end when you’re outside? If you go to a park with your kids or alone, you can pick up bottles around you. 

You could make it a game of who can pick the most bottles. You can make bottle recycling as fun as you want.


Stick to One Thing

It’s very tempting to recycle everything you see once you start recycling, but all it does is distract you. Trying to recycle items like paper, cardboard, etc., can distract you from recycling bottles and cans because you’ll start looking out for them. Likewise, your bottle recycling will lag- you’d begin to ignoring bottles you see. 

The best way to avoid this is by having separate recycling boxes for your bottle recycling and other recyclables. Dump other recyclables together, but your bottles and cans are the VIPs- recycle them separately. This will brings us to our next tip that’ll assist you with recycling in Adelaide.


Recycle Separately

You have to be intentional and meticulous with your recycling once you begin. Beverage bottles are different from skincare bottles, glass bottles, etc. You should place them in separate bags when you pick them up. They are made from other bottles, and there’s a possibility the recycling depot you go to may not accept a particular type of bottle. 

Furthermore, repacking and sorting your bottles all over again will frustrate and discourage you from recycling. Instead, you should call the Adelaide recycling depot you plan to use before getting there to know the types of bottles and cans they accept. 

For example, at Thorntons recycling, we buy bottles, cans, milk cartons like ice coffee cartons, plastics, etc. If you have a type of plastic or can and you’re not sure if we accept it, you can call us, and we’d be more than happy to help you.


Weekly Visit

You don’t have to keep your bottles for weeks before taking them to the recycling depot. It’s even better when your sack is light, so it’ll be fast and easy to process. One thing to look out for in a recycling depot is location- ensure it’s close to where you live, so you don’t have to drive for miles. 


For quick bottles and can drop-offs in Adelaide, come to Thorntons Recycling! We’re located within 10 minutes of the Adelaide CBD — bottle recycle on the go with us!





08 8443 7416