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How Bottle and Can Recycling Helps the Environment

July 20, 2021



Your recycling efforts- no matter how small they may seem to you- significantly benefit the environment . Bottle and recycling is one habit you can pick up that guarantees you’re helping out the Adelaide environment.

It’s easy to think that your bottle and recycling efforts are a waste because you’re not recycling on the scale you’d like, but you shouldn’t feel that way.

Your bottle and can recycling habits help the environment, as long as you’re taking it to the appropriate recycling depot.

Here are some ways you’re helping the environment through your bottle and can recycling:


Reduce Pollution

Most of the items that contribute to environmental pollution are due to the production of materials- something bottles and cans fall under. The end product of the manufacturing process, such as bottles and cans, pollutes the environment and the fume produced while manufacturing.

We all know how bottles and cans have been seen in the ocean, choking aquatic animals. The same thing with cans, as these two materials have a life span of over a hundred years. So once a bottle or can finds its way into the environment, it’s hard to take it out unless you physically remove it.

When everyone recycles, seeing bottles and cans on the road or sea will be a rare sight. Also, these manufacturing companies wouldn’t need to produce as much bottles and cans since they can recycle.


Conserves Natural Resources

Plastic bottles are made out of chemically bonded polymers that are used to make different types of plastic. Manufacturers excavate the earth in their bid to find the resources they’ll use to make the bottles. They disturb the ecosystem of the area they’re mining into and use up the resources necessary to survive. 

Cans can either be made out of steel or aluminium. To get steel or aluminium, the ground is mined into just as with the case of the plastic bottles. No natural resource is endless in its supply, and the iron ore used in the production of cans is bound to run out at some point.

We can prevent it from reaching that stage through bottle and can recycling. Through bottle and can recycling, companies won’t have to mine for new raw materials. They can easily repurpose recycled bottles and cans.



The reason why a lot of items are expensive is because of the stages companies go through while making them. They consider all the processes in the production of an item when they come up with a price. From mining to refining the raw materials, the Adelaide companies will consider them while pricing the product. 

Recycling eliminates all of the processes they have to go through when making new bottles and cans. You’re probably wondering how this helps the environment. When people know that goods could potentially become cheaper with recycling, they’ll get interested. The more people who partake in recycling, the fewer bottles and cans we’ll see on the streets.

Thornton Recycling is here to make your bottle and can recycling efforts go as smoothly as possible. Our Adelaide recycling depot is available for you to dump off all your recycled items. Contact us to get started! 





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