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Make Extra Cash for the Holidays With Bottle and Can Recycling!

November 11, 2020


In Adelaide, not recycling your empty bottle and can or just throwing them in the garbage bin is like throwing money away. With the holidays coming up, your Adelaide household will be going through many bottles and cans every day. From Christmas dinner to family gatherings, it will be a shame letting all these bottles and cans end up in the trash. 


The South Australian Government’s Container Deposit Legislation (CDL) allows a ten-cent refund on each eligible bottle and can that you bring for recycling. At Thorntons Recycling, our state-of-the-art recycling facility is located within ten minutes of the Adelaide CBD. There, we will take every bottle and can you have and pay you the refund in cash. 


Here are some handy and easy ways to help you make some extra cash with bottle and can recycling:



Keep an Eye Out for the Right Bottle and Can 

When you go grocery shopping, make sure you are buying a bottle or can that is eligible for a refund. You will be surprised how many of your favourite drinks already come in refundable containers. Any bottle and can with ‘10c refund at collection depots, when sold in SA’ on the label, can be exchanged at an Adelaide recycling depot for cash. 



Designate a Collection Area at Home 

To make sure that no bottle or can will get thrown in the garbage by mistake, put recycling boxes within reach around your Adelaide home. They should have a prominent place that is easy to reach even by children. This way, your kids will also be encouraged to participate in your recycling efforts.


Before throwing any bottle and can in the trash, double-check the label; if the container is eligible, remove its cap and give it a quick rinse. Make sure the bottles and cans are dry, before putting them in the recycling box.



Start a Family Competition 

To encourage every member of your family to take part in recycling, organize a competition. Put the name of each family member on a recycling box in your Adelaide home. After the holidays, count the number of bottles and cans each member has collected. It is a great way to teach kids more about bottle and can recycling.


As you enjoy the parks and gardens of Adelaide in the holidays, try to keep the family competition going. Give each member of your family a rubbish bag and gloves. Encourage them to pick up every empty bottle and can that they find on the ground. This way, you will all help keep Adelaide free of litter. You will also be making more money from bottles and can recycling.


At Thorntons Recycling, we offer a convenient drive-thru and drop off service. We also provide a pick-up service for our business clients across Adelaide. We pay cash for every bottle and can you bring in for recycling.


Make some cash for every bottle and can you drink from this holiday. Visit our Adelaide recycling depot!





08 8443 7416