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3 Ways You Can Show Your Kids the Importance of Recycling and Establish Good Habits!

February 13, 2024

Have you ever wondered how a simple soda can teach life lessons? No, it's not about fizzy drinks. It's about recycling! 

Welcome to a world where each recycled item is a step towards a greener future—who's joining you on this eco-friendly adventure? Your kids! Right here in Adelaide, with its laid-back charm and a heart for the environment, you have the perfect backdrop to instil these vital lessons. 

There is no need for a lecture, though. It’s about fun, hands-on learning that sticks.

1. Lead by Example: Family Recycling Rituals

You know the drill: kids are like sponges. They soak up what they see. So, start showing them how it's done. Make recycling a visible part of your family's routine. You're not just tossing bottles and cans into a bin; you're showing future generations how it's done in Adelaide.

Key Actions:

  • Set up a Home Recycling Zone: Grab a corner in your kitchen or garage. It doesn't need to be fancy—just a clear spot where everyone can see and participate in sorting recyclables.

  • Family Sorting Time: Turn sorting recyclables into a fun family activity. Who knew that separating paper and plastic could be as engaging as a game of backyard cricket?

  • Share Cool Facts: Did you know recycling a single aluminium can save enough energy to power your TV for three hours? Share tidbits like this to make recycling intriguing.

2. Educational Adventures at Thornton’s Recycling

Here's a thought—why not turn a trip to Thornton’s Recycling into a mini field trip? It's a hands-on way to show your kids where their recycled bottles and cans end up. The Adelaide CBD is a stone's throw away.

Why This Works:

  • See Recycling in Action: Let your kids witness the journey of recyclables. It's one thing to talk about recycling; it's another to see it happening right before you.

  • Ask Questions, Get Answers: The staff at Thornton’s are as friendly as your neighbour next door and just as knowledgeable. They're there to answer all those curious questions your kids might have.

3. Reward and Recognition: Celebrate Green Milestones

Even the youngest among us appreciates a friendly pat on the back. Set up a simple rewards system for consistent recycling efforts. It's like turning bottle and can recycling in Adelaide into a fun challenge.

How to Implement:

  • Recycling Rewards Chart: Create a chart to track recycling efforts. A star for every week your family recycles everything correctly.

  • Fun Rewards: Think of rewards your kids will love—a trip to their favourite park or an extra half-hour of screen time.

  • Visit Thornton’s: Remember, Thornton’s pays cash for recyclable items. Why not let your kids keep the cash they earn from recycling? It's a great way to teach them the value of their efforts.





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