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How Bottle Recycling in Adelaide Can Earn You Some Cash!

May 14, 2022

The environment is very significant to our existence, and it can only be efficient when it is well preserved. But, of course, it is up to everyone to ensure that the environment is well protected because anything otherwise may not be so favourable. 

One of the most notorious ways we harm the environment is by practising poor waste disposal. It is general knowledge that the careless disposal of organic and inorganic waste can cause significant harm to the environment. 

Hence, we must understand that proper disposal or recycling of wastes can help prevent environmental pollution. Used bottles often make up a part of our everyday waste, and proper disposal is advised. However, the best thing to do with your used bottle is to recycle them. 

Recycling is known to solve the problem of poor disposal, but it also offers several other personal benefits. Do you know that it is possible to make lots of money from bottle recycling in Adelaide? 

Yes, bottle recycling is a sure way to protect the environment, and you can also make a good deal of money doing so. This article will explain how bottle recycling can help you make extra cash. 

What is Bottle Recycling? 


Bottle recycling is a process where bottles are collected and returned for reuse. This is a safer means of bottle disposal and is often done through the container deposit system. The different types of bottles that you can recycle; 

  • Plastic bottles 

  • Glass bottles 

  • HDPE bottles 

Bottle recycling is made compulsory in some parts of the world and is enforced by the legislature. The law often requires a deposit collected from anybody buying a bottled drink and refunded when the bottle is returned. Today, about 50% of the total bottles used are recycled. 

How to Make Money from Bottle Recycling 


Bottle recycling is beneficial to both you and the bottling company. Bottling companies often require used bottles for reuse, while some other industries can utilise these bottles to manufacture other products. 

Therefore, these companies are often willing to pay to acquire these bottles because it saves them the trouble of manufacturing from the start. Here are some tips to help you cash in on used bottles. 

  • Identify the type of bottle you wish to recycle 

  • Gather these bottles in a labelled around your home. 

  • If you wish to recycle different bottles, you should gather them in different bins according to their types.

  • Locate a suitable recycling centre close to you and find out their rates. 

  • Take the bottles to your recycling centre and receive your payment. 




Protecting the environment is everybody's business, as we would all face the consequences if the environment is affected. As highlighted in this article, proper waste recycling helps keep the environment clean and healthy. You will agree that there aren't many ventures as profitable as making money while saving the environment. 

Are you looking to make money from recycling bottles in Adelaide? Remember to choose trusted recycling companies like Thorntons Recycling





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