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The Bottle Recycling Depot Process

September 27, 2022


Proper waste management is becoming more critical by the day, and the reasons are not far-fetched. 


Perhaps, the effects of poor waste disposal on our environments is the primary reason correct waste management is receiving more attention. 

Regardless, it is delightful to see this practice encouraged as it should be. 

Recycling is one critical aspect of waste management that has also received more attention recently, and rightly so too.  It is almost impossible to discuss recycling without mentioning bottles and cans. 

Bottles are complex waste that can take several hundred years to decompose fully. 

Since a significant percentage of waste generated daily consists of bottles and other plastics, it doesn’t take too much imagination to discover the impact on landfills. 

Unfortunately, the high generation rate also makes poor disposal more likely, subjecting environmental pollution risks. 

On the other hand, recycling helps ensure that these bottles can be reused to manufacture new items, ensuring they don’t take up precious space in landfills. 

This article will explain the bottle recycling process and how recycling depots handle your recyclables after you turn them in. 


The Bottle Recycling Process 

Recycling these bottles also helps reduce the number of raw materials and resources used in manufacturing them from scratch. 

Hence, also reducing the rate of carbon emission from these manufacturing processes.The benefits of bottle recycling are numerous but can only be achieved when these items are correctly recycled. 

Bottle recycling is a two-part process that starts with you submitting your bottles to a bottle recycling depot and ends with the depot distributing the bottles to the respective companies. 

You may know to accumulate your used bottles and turn them in at your preferred depot, but do you know what happens to these bottles after you leave? 

Here are the three steps included in the bottle recycling depot process



After depots receive your recyclables, the first thing they do is sort these items. But, first, they check to ensure all the submitted bottles are indeed recyclable. 

Next, the bottles are sorted by type and divided into three categories, aluminium, glass, and plastic. 

This step is necessary because most of these recyclables are sent to different companies, and most only accept specific bottles. 



Some depots require you to wash your bottles before submitting them for recycling, while others do not. 

But all bottles still undergo another round of inspection where they are emptied and washed clean. 

Next, the bottles are shredded to bits, depending on the type, and their coatings are removed. 



The next step involves distributing the prepared bottles to industries for reuse, the final step in the bottle recycling depot process. 

These recycled bottles manufacture new products, saving resources and energy. 

For example, while recycled plastic bottles are used in producing new bottles, fabrics, carpets, and chairs, aluminium bottles are remade into new cans and vehicle parts. 

Recycled glass bottles are also adopted to construct roads, kitchen countertops, etc. 



You may not know this, but your recycled bottles are being put to great use. Hence, it is only ideal that you continue ensuring your recyclables get to the respective industries through recycling depots. 

First, however, you may need to find a credible depot to handle your recyclables correctly, and Thornton’s Recycling is your best bet in Adelaide. 





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