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Thorntons Recycling`s Approach to Bottle and Can Recycling in Adelaide

April 12, 2024

Have you ever wondered what happens to your bottles and cans after they've done their duty holding your favourite beverages? Let's face it: recycling isn't usually the stuff of dinner table chatter, but what if we told you there's a place right in our backyard that's turning the mundane into the magnificent? 

Thornton's Recycling is not just another drop-off point but a revolution in recycling. It is located just a 10-minute cruise from the Adelaide CBD.

Here at Thornton's, we're not just talking about tossing your empties into a bin. Oh no, we're taking recycling to a whole new level. Imagine a facility so advanced it makes recycling feel like you're part of something out of a sci-fi novel, but without the aliens, of course. It’s where eco-friendly meets city-savvy, blending Adelaide's love for the environment with our unique urban rhythm. And guess what? You play the starring role in this green saga.

Thornton's Recycling is not Your Average Recycling Joint

Think recycling centres are all about dull machinery and piles of waste? Think again! 

At Thornton's , we've kicked it up a notch with our state-of-the-art facility. Here, we're giving your bottles and cans a whole new life. It’s like a spa retreat for your bottles and cans—they come in tired and used and leave refreshed and ready for a new adventure!

The Drive-Thru Revolution

Remember when drive-thrus were all about burgers and fries? Well, Thornton's is changing the game. Our convenient drive-thru recycling service means you can wave goodbye to the days of lugging bags of cans and bottles. Just drive up, drop off, and drive out. It's so easy that you'll be left wondering why everything in life isn't this simple.

Cash for Your Trash—Really!

Here's the kicker—we’re not just taking your recyclables off your hands; we’re paying you for them!For every bottle and can, you bring a bit of cash back into your pocket? It's like a mini lottery win every time you recycle.

Green Warriors in Action

Recycling at Thornton's isn't just about decluttering your home. It's a giant leap for Adelaide’s environmental health. By choosing to recycle your bottles and cans with us, you're helping reduce landfills, conserve natural resources, and lower carbon emissions. It's your everyday action turning into our city's eco-victory!

Your Role in the Recycling Saga

Now, let's talk about you. Your role in this recycling tale is crucial. By sorting your bottles and cans, you're not just making our job easier; you're ensuring the process is as efficient as possible. A little rinse here, a label removal there—small steps by you make a significant difference on our end.

Thornton's Environmental Love Story

But wait, there's more! Our love for Adelaide doesn't stop at bottles and cans. Thornton's is on a mission to champion all sorts of recycling ventures because we believe every bit counts in keeping our city green and gorgeous.

Join the Recycling Revolution

It's time to roll up our sleeves and show those bottles and cans what we're made of. Thornton's Recycling is more than just a facility; it's a community, a movement, and a part of Adelaide’s heartbeat. We're here, we're ready, and we're excited to have you join us on this green journey.





08 8443 7416